If you have your Picture This Photography NYC Calendar this is your November 2024 image “A Walk in the Park”
Living in NYC is to be surrounded by concrete as far as the eye can see so requires access to outdoor space to be reminded of nature, calmness and fresh air. Luckily, there are many to choose from from pocket parks to local landmarks with none more popular than Central Park. Most New Yorkers have their favourite off the beaten track spots that they like to keep to themselves (me included) however this lovely pathway is always quiet despite being tucked behind the busiest bridge in Central Park, Bow Bridge.
This gorgeous winding path connects the back of Bow Bridge to The Ramble on the north east side of The Lake and is beautiful year round. Fall is my favourite time of year and this particular day combined the fresh yellow & green hues with the deep orange and red tones to make the perfect pathway. I remember the crunching of the fallen leaves combined with the crisp fresh air made this a purposeful walk that I never wanted to end.
📷 This image was captured with a 16-50mm zoom lens at 50mm
Location-Central Park
Time of Day-Fall Afternoon
Camera Settings- Depth of Field at f/8, Shutterspeed 1/100, Daylight White Balance for natural, clear light, ISO - 100, Focus on the crooked fence.
Insider Tip-Walk across Bow Bridge and turn right, continue along the pathway until the bridge is on your right.
Take a moment to stop time and just breathe by taking “A Walk in the Park”